Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chapter 1: In the Beginning . . .

are you there god? . . .it's me krisha.  so as you can tell i've decided to start a blog.  i was divinely inspired by my cousin jenna (who has this super cute blog at plus, i sincerely believe that i am capable of writing witty little blogs ala carrie bradshaw (only minus all the sex talk, cos as we both know, there has not been much of that going on in my life.)  also, i read "bridget jones' diary," last month and identified with her so much, that i now feel, if that novel can be a national bestseller (and turned into a movie), then my life in a blog can be just as entertaining.  (yeah i am shock sometimes at how egotistical i can be, but please note you'll soon find out it's all a front, which is why i'm textbook narcissistic).  but mostly, i have a lot of thoughts in my head that need to be sorted out, and why not on a online blog for everyone to read?!?!? wow, god, you are probably just counting down the days to clear this earth of "generation me," how sad, we have become our very own false idols you told us not to worship or put ahead of you, thanks to the help of myspace, facebook, twitter and blogspot.  ok, i have nothing of importance to write tonight, so i'll stop here.

sorry god, if you didn't find this worth the 5 minutes of your time.  i promise it will be more entertaining in the future.  

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I am so happy I have another blog to read. Love, Jenna
